A board game social simulation where players develop cooperation, crisis management, and co-organization skills. Set in a fantasy world, the game presents challenges similar to those faced by real-world groups and organizations, promoting teamwork and problem-solving.

Up to You!
The serious game enables students to discover the interconnected nature of SDGs. It supports students in grasping the complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity connected to the sustainability transition.

CWetlands Simulation
It is the online game that simulates the context of a local community facing the need to solve the problem of urban wastewater, especially from dispersed housing and other facilities and activities that are difficult and expensive to centralize.

Just Mobility Transition
You are given a glimpse of the plausible near future of 2029. All across the European Union, labour market challenges associated with mobility transition need to be addressed.

Climate Science Crisis
When trust in experts is low, dangerous beliefs can spread across society like wildfire. The trustworthiness of scientists and trust in science should not be taken for granted. This simulation brings these challenges to life.

A multiplayer browser-based, online simulation that focuses on the challenges related to the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for disaster risk reduction.

The Cascades Game
The Game is an interactive educational tool introducing the concept of cascading climate impacts and policy responses to address and tackle them.

Future of Food
Extreme weather events may directly affect not only food production sites but also major transportation routes and hubs, disrupting critical supply chains on a global scale.

REBOOST simulation
The simulation is grounded on the findings of the research on the socio-economic effects of the energy transformation in Poland, Germany and Romania.
Raw Materials Challenge
This simulation takes place in the near future and focuses on the social and environmental challenges connected with the increasing demand for rare earth minerals needed for a clean energy transition.
Arctic Future
Building on the premise of a future ice-free Arctic, the simulation explores possible challenges and tensions anticipated to arise in the region with regards to international trade routes and security.
The Prince
By experiencing this theatrical simulation, everyone can learn a lot not only about power, politics, and the accompanying opportunities and dangers, but also about our attitude towards power, and about the level of our “citizenship”.
Deep Sea Mining
This simulation is conceived as an interactive and informative tool to show the different perspectives on deep-sea mining and its repercussions.
Energy Transition Game
A social simulation for practicing social and technological transformations and exploring climate-friendly energy futures.
The World’s Future
Helps practicing strategies to secure our global future. Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to protect the planet.
New Shores
A reflection on both democracy and climate change. Players settle on a virgin island, exploit its resources, and passionately argue about how their society should work.
Nexus Game
A social simulation which helps to manage water-food-energy nexus. Combined with practice in building effective relations at the transboundary level.
Flood Resilience Game
An exercise in both short- and long-term decision-making under flood risks. A starting point for mutual learning for communities and flood professionals.
Lords Of The Valley
A social simulation for practicing strategy, collaboration, and leadership in a complex environment. Applied in many contexts.
Leads to deep reflection on business sustainability as a source of competitive advantage. Suitable for both professional training and university courses.
Gifts Of Culture
Simulation of negotiations and cooperation between diverse groups that share the same flood-prone river valley but have different views on economic, cultural, and social issues.
Cultural Memory Game
A youth-oriented exercise in linking the signs of past catastrophic events such as earthquakes and floods with disaster awareness, prevention, and preparedness.
Evacuation Challenge Game
A quick, perspective-changing exercise in bridging communication, language, and cultural barriers during emergency situations.
Simulation that recreates essential features connected with highly interdependent water infrastructures, highlighting decision-making challenges.
Ruritania Game
The Ruritania game allows participants in many countries to take a closer look at the tradeoffs and synergies between various strategies for rural regeneration.
Budget game
Helps residents and authorities in the debate the city budget, illuminating the complexity and impact of this decision-making.